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MMA Classes

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I have been training MMA for over 20 years and have traveled the world training and competing with the Best.


I was an undefeated Professional Mixed Martial Artist. Now I am done competing and traveling, my goal now is to share my knowledge with my students to make them the best Martial Artist they can be.


Martial Arts has changed my life and I want to give our students a positive environment to grow so they can learn great techniques but most overall become a great individual.


-Chad Lebrun



The Lab MMA Fighter:

Fighting may not be your calling, but the LAB offers everything from cardio classes to full out MMA sparring. There is something here for everyone. I encourage anyone looking for anything from losing a few pounds to realistic, proven self defence to stop by The LAB. Everyone I know that has trained at The LAB for at least a year has said it has changed his or her life, I know it changed mine. Odds are it will change your life, too.



We travel 4 hours just to train at The LAB MMA. I know coming up hear I am going to get to train with top notch guys and get top notch training.



Professor LeBrun is the best I have had the opportunity to train with at combining the striking and grappling together. Knowing that he has been in the cage fighting at a professional level makes me feel like I am in the right place!!

About Mixed Martial Arts Training

You’ll experience the mental and physical “rush” that comes with MMA training (not only is it exciting, but it’s a whole lot of FUN too!)

You’ll get into kick-butt shape – and FAST (many of the world’s strongest and best-conditioned athletes are MMA fighters – we’ll show you how they do it).

You’ll develop “functional muscles” not bulky do-nothing muscles (you’ll become a lean, mean, fighting machine and get even STRONGER than you were before – even if you’re a weight lifter – because you’ll build functional muscles by doing “sport-specific” exercises and drills that make you “fighting strong”).

You’ll learn a mixed martial arts fighting system with an organized curriculum that takes the “guess work” out of learning.

You’ll learn a mixed martial arts fighting system with an organized curriculum that takes the “guess work” out of learning.

You’ll learn the basic fundamental principles and techniques you need to have in order to improve as quickly as possible.

Our instructors will “walk you by the hand” and teach you our secrets to MMA success.

You’ll get our proven MMA training method that can take a total “newbie” and transform you into a bonafide MMA expert.

You’ll have a variety of classes to choose from (striking, ground, mma, takedowns, beginner, advanced, sparring, no-sparring, technique-only, open mat time, etc.).

You’ll be trained by Champions.

You will learn physical and mental preparation for the street or in the fight cage.

You’ll be taught by trainers that can not only fight well but more importantly, they will train YOU properly to ensure you get the most out of our MMA program and become a complete fighter (whether you want to compete or not).

You’ll work out in a positive atmosphere where you are treated with RESPECT.

You’ll be in a safe, structured environment – safety is our #1 concern – so you won’t have to worry about getting injured (you won’t even have to spar or get hit if you don’t want to)

You’ll be able to work at a pace that’s right for you so that you can personally absorb and retain all the information you learn

You’ll be taught by professional instructors who are trained to “build you up” as a student.

You’ll get help from our professional, courteous staff (we don’t try to intimidate people or show how “tough” we are; we don’t need to; it isn’t about our “ego” anyway – it’s about what we can do for YOU and how we can build you up into the best shape of your life while learning how to fight MMA in the process)

You’ll improve your flexibility which helps prevent injury and makes you stronger (you’ll be able to punch hard, kick higher, and be even more dangerous with your ground fighting techniques).

You’ll discover strength and conditioning exercises and MMA drills that UFC fighters use to prepare get in shape for their fights.

You’ll be a part of a proven MMA system that gives you maximum results in minimum time (we are committed to making sure you improve every single time you set foot in our MMA academy).

You will transform your body into a kick-butt fighting machine (you’ll feel stronger, faster, and better than you ever have before).

You’ll learn sneaky submission holds that end a fight quickly and efficiently without things getting messy.

You’ll learn how to fight in “close quarters.” Fact: Close combat fighting skills can save your life (this is especially important for law enforcement and military).

You’ll learn chokes, arm locks, leg locks and other ways to finish a fight without have to throw a single punch or kick.

You will learn techniques and strategies for self-defense and competition (what’s so great about MMA is that it’s one of the only martial arts where just about every single technique is something you can use on the street as well).

What To Do To Get Started

What to do to get started?


Just give us a call at 540-850-8561 or simply just click the link below and we will call you to set up your Free Trial Class.



Chad Lebrun



Thanks for submitting!

Tel: 540-850-8561   Email:

218 Industrial Dr #112, Fredericksburg, VA 22408

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